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Select your accommodation
Preparing for business travel is, of course, only half the job. Choosing the best accommodation for your requirements is also essential. If you’ve only got one meeting place to reach, make sure you book a nearby hotel – rather than be swayed by a cheaper option that might be a stressful 45-minute trip away. Use maps on your smartphone to measure distances from the station or airport to your hotel – and remember the roads and transport networks will be busier at certain times of the day.
Check your company’s hotel policies to find any preferred hotels. When considering the cost, make sure you compare rates for similar accommodation types and select something that’s reasonably priced. Some companies even stipulate a cost per day that would limit the choice of hotels.
It’s also a good idea to pay close attention to the amenities at the hotel. Some tourist-focused hotels may serve breakfast too late for your early starts, and as a business traveler, you’re likely to want free Wi-Fi, 24-hour room service, and plenty of power points for charging your devices. Our S-E-T-T Hotel Bedbank (B2B Booking platform) gives travelers access to trusted peer hotel reviews and can be a handy tool for business trip planners.